Sunday, January 30, 2011

Getting Ready

In preparation for my first trip of serious duration in over a quarter century, it occurs that I could actually share some of my experiences... before I come home and forget everything. Perhaps I'll even learn how to add photos. I don't know; new phone, new laptop; that's a whole lotta new.

Let's begin with a note that my flight to Sydney leaves in 36 hours or less. I have not packed. In fact, there is still a load of laundry on the go. I'll be gone for about four weeks, and the trip encompasses five flights, and two road trips. There is an apartment in Melbourne with my name on the key :) and rumour of fruit in someone's kitchen which is waiting to be preserved.

Community farmers and gardeners have offered tours of their newly turned sites. Fellow chefs have extended kitchen invites. And, it's SUMMER and harvest time in Australia. What's not to like about this? Add a little beach, some wine, a little cheese, maybe a farm or two.

And so, it begins...